5 ways to piss off your girlfriend before she gets out of bed

5. Hitting the snooze alarm 50 million times - Especially, if your girl doesn't have to get up for another hour. Sure, she loves to fucking cuddle, but not at 6 am when her ass is trying to sleep.

4. Grinding against her in hopes of getting some - Ten to one, unless you both have the day off and no pressing plans for the day, this is also not going to end well. If you have to get off to work and she has to be somewhere then she's not going to be into a quickie at 5 am.
--There is an exception to this, some girls wake up horny. If she initiates it then go for it. Congratulations!

3. Getting in and out of bed multiple times - Sometimes, you don't want to leave the warm coziness of your bed. We get it, we aren't ready to leave it either. But each time your resolve fails and you climb back into bed, your cold ass makes it a little less cozier for us.

2. Turning the gddamn light on to look for your clothes - seriously, pick them out before hand. She's dreaming of picking out your murder weapon from here.

1. Slamming the door - adding insult to injury. If she has any chance of getting back to sleep comfortably, this one is the nail in the coffin. She's probably going to get up and be mad at you and you don't even know it yet.

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